The Challenge Kicked Off the 2019 Season
The Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association’s first show of the 2019 season is a wrap. The CHALLENGE was a great show. Despite the cold and a few snow flurries, they had record entries. The show offered a flat fee of $180 per horse and was run by An Equine Production. They also provided a Leveled 14-18 Showmanship and Horsemanship class.
“We love the Challenge because it’s a great opportunity for the kids to earn some money for a change,” says Ohio Trainer Missy Thyfault. “The kids love picking their best three classes which makes it a little different than the normal High Point awards typically offered. If someone has an off day in that class they picked, the race can get shaken up some. It keeps it fun for them, and the big checks make it even more fun for the parents.”
The event was held at the Champions Center in Springfield, Ohio on March 2 and 3rd. The judges for the show were Chris Jones, Tim Finkenbinder, and Kendra Weis. The show provided a pizza party on Friday and donuts and bagels on Saturday and Sunday.
There were All-Around awards as well as over $9,500 given away to the youth in the Youth Scholarship Challenge event.
CLICK HERE for scholarship and high point winners.
“It was such a great little show that turned out not to be little at all,” says Ohio Trainer Darla Lee. “It was so fun watching the kids collect the big checks, and it was perfectly run as always by Kathy and staff.”
The SOQHA Youth also had a fundraiser where they washed fake tails for a fee. All the proceeds from this show help support our youth association, and they want to thank everyone for participating.
The MADNESS is just around the corner. Stalls and camping are currently sold out, but you can still get on the waiting list. Fill out the stall/ RV form and get it to Janet ASAP to get on the list. It will be ten full days of a lot of food, fun, high point awards (through five places), circuit awards, exhibitor party (May 12th) and as always - free stuff. Don't forget to get your golf carts reserved (limited quantity available), form is on anquineproduction.com or call Janet 937-416-0294.
Good Luck to all exhibitors, on a successful 2019 show season!
Photos by Wendy Hardy, Missy Thyfault, and Darla Lee.