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Ohio Queen Contest
Since 1961, a young horsewoman has been chosen each year to represent the Ohio Quarter Horse Association at equine functions throughout the state, including the OQHA Year-End Awards Banquet and affiliate horse shows, as well as competing for the title of All American Quarter Horse Congress Queen in October. The OQHA Queen serves as an ambassador of the association, encouraging membership in the association, making appearances at state and regional Quarter Horse functions, as well as visiting related open show and breed show associations to raise awareness of the OQHA and the Quarter Horse breed. The contest consists of a horsemanship ride, a written exam covering the AQHA Official Handbook of Rules and Regulations and a personal interview.
OQHA Queen Candidates may find the Ohio Queen Contest Rules here.
2026 OQHA Queen Contest
The OQHA Queen contest consists of three things: a horsemanship test, a written test and a personal interview.
Horsemanship -
The horsemanship ride accounts for 20% of the total score. The horsemanship ride will be held, in conjunction with, the last scheduled quarter horse show sponsored by an OQHA affiliate. The pattern will be released at least 24 hours prior to the day of the class. The candidate is not required to own the horse exhibited in the horsemanship ride. Each candidate will receive a score based on the AQHA scoring. If multiple judges are used their scores will be averaged.
Show Date - EOQHA Fall Classic, September 12-14, Columbus, Ohio.
Written Exam -
The written exam accounts for 40% of the total score. The written exam consists of 50 questions on general horse knowledge, along with many questions from the AQHA Official Handbook of Rules and Regulations and OQHA Handbook. The written exam may contain true and false, multiple choice and fill in the blank questions. Each question will be worth 2 points. The written exam will be given on the morning of the OQHA Banquet held February 7, 2026.
Personal Interview -
*In the event of a tie, the personal interview score will be used to determine the winner. The interview has been chosen as the tie-breaker since we feel it is very important for our Ohio Queen to be well spoken in order to best represent the Ohio Quarter Horse Association. One interview judge will be a tiebreaker judge.
Crowning during the OQHA Banquet held February 7, 2026.
Interested Queen candidates should contact Kristine Nagy | 330-472-7410