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With OQHA, You're Family
It was another incredible year for OQHA members and their families at the 2025 OQHA Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet. Held at the Hilton Downtown Columbus on Saturday, February 8, the attendance numbers shattered association records with over 530 people in attendance to celebrate the accomplishments of exhibitors! The Ohio Quarter Horse Association Board of Directors began the day with their annual meeting, reviewing 2024 and recognizing the service of the board members, past presidents, and honorary directors. The AQHA Most Valuable Professional award, an achievement voted on by Ohio directors, was awarded to Lynne Puthoff of West Milton, Ohio. Closing the meeting, the new board of directors and leadership

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Find a Professional Horseman in Ohio
The AQHA Professional Horsemen Association is a professional organization composed of an elite group of trustworthy horse experts. To become an AQHA Professional Horseman, these horsemen and women must agree to adhere to the professional standards of AQHA and to work in a professional manner to further its goals and objectives. When working with an AQHA Professional Horseman, you can have peace of mind knowing these professionals have demonstrated the highest standards of personal and professional integrity. Find a professional horseman here in Ohio: Are you an AQHA Professional Horseman and based in Ohio, but don't see your name listed below? Contact the OQHA office at info@oqha.com

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OQHA Official Handbook
The Ohio Quarter Horse Association Official Handbook of By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations is updated yearly. To download the 2025 OQHA Official Handbook, please click here .

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OQHA News Magazine
Ohio Quarter Horse News is the official publication of the Ohio Quarter Horse Association and the number one resource for Ohio Quarter Horse owners, breeders, trainers, and enthusiasts. View Ohio Quarter Horse News archives here . 2024 OHIO QUARTER HORSE NEWS WINTER MAGAZINE 2024 OHIO QUARTER HORSE NEWS Summer NEWSLETTER 2024 Ohio quarter horse news spring newsletter
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OQHA Director Bob Hexter Passes
The Ohio Quarter Horse Association is saddened to share of the passing of past Director Bob "Heck" Hexter. Bob served as a Director from 1989-2013. OQHA extends its deepest condolences to his loved ones at this time. Arrangements will be shared once available.

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2024 Congress Cup: Most Successful Yet
With perfect weather, a beautiful course, and a worthy cause, the 4th annual Congress Cup charity golf outing was one for the books as participants "Battled for the Buckle." Organized by the Ohio Quarter Horse Foundation and held at Rattlesnake Ridge Golf Club in Sunbury, Ohio, the event not only provided a world-class experience, but also served as a means to generate funds for the annual Foundation scholarships. Rattlesnake Ridge provided the ideal backdrop for the day; a private course, renowned for its gorgeous landscapes and exceptional amenities. The outing saw a total of 20 registered teams and generous sponsorship support, both setting new records for the Congress Cup. OQHF also welcomed special

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OQHA Summer Picnic
OQHA members escaped the heat last week at IronGate Equestrian Center for the annual summer picnic. Held Monday, June 17, the picnic was once again a favorite event for members and their families, with well over 100 guests in attendance. Sharing good food and fellowship, the summer event provided an opportunity for folks to get out of the summer heat but still enjoy time with friends. After dinner, the Ohio Quarter Horse Youth Association met and discussed their plans for the rest of the summer, including their upcoming trips to the YES Conference in Amarillo, Texas, and the AQHYA World Show in Oklahoma City, Okla. Youth members also held the drawing for their annual fundraiser; this year they held a raffle and raised
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Record Breaking 17th Annual OQHA Trail Ride
The 17th annual Ohio Quarter Horse Association Trail Ride took place on Saturday, June 15, at Creek Side Horse Park in Waynesburg, Ohio. This year’s event was a success, drawing over 1,000 entries and setting a new attendance record. Participants enjoyed a combination of trail ride and Mt Trail Challenge, exploring Ohio woodlands through guided and self-guided rides. Following the day’s activities, attendees gathered for meals, live music, and both silent and live auctions. OQHA CEO Justin Billings, OQHA Director Todd Salome, and OQHA Queen Sidney Hawk were present to support the event and assist with the awards ceremony. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed to this unforgettable

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Bill Flarida, OQHA Honorary Director, Passes
It is with heavy hearts that we share the passing of OQHA Honorary Director William "Bill" Flarida. Bill was not only a respected figure within the Association, but was also a cherished family man, known for his unwavering love of his wife of 70+ years, Betty, and his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Bill joined the OQHA Board of Directors in 1994 and was named an Honorary Director in 2018. He served 6 years on the OQHA Executive Committee, and he and his wife Betty were avid supporters of the youth association for over 20 years. Bill was the start of the Flarida family reining tradition, and he passed the love of the American Quarter Horse and the sport of reining to his sons and grandchildren. He was