Fulton County Saddle Club Doubled Last Year’s Show
Fulton County Saddle Club doubled last year’s show with people just happy to be at a horse show again. Selling 230 stalls and 73 camping spots. Exhibitors came from New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Indiana, Ohio and Michigan, bringing 1,204 entries this year with 240 Open, 186 Amateur, 378 Youth, 134 Novice, and 201 Novice Youth. The largest class was Youth Showmanship with 43 entries. They had open added money jackpot classes that were well received. They gave away seven high point all-around awards. The winners received a trophy donated by Greg & Marty Holden and a $50 gift card to Rod’s donated by the Fulton County Saddle Club.
Level1 Youth- Josie Eckert YA
13 & under- Jillian Jefferson YA
14-18 - Grace Gasper
Am Select - Maryellen Mumy
Amateur- Morgan Jennings
Winner of the best mask contest was Yvette Rousch who received a gallon of DAC fly spray donated by Paula Buehrer.
Fulton County Saddle Club also gave away three $25 Speedway gas cards to return exhibitors and three $25 Speedway gas cards to out-of-state exhibitors by random drawings.
OQHA Points have been updated and are available at oqha.com/points
For more info from Fulton County Saddle Club, visit fultoncountysaddleclub.com/shows