2021 SOQHA The Madness is a Wrap
The Madness, presented by SOQHA, lived up to its name in more than one way!
More than 17,700 AQHA entries, more than 2900 NSBA Dual/Approved entries, more than 240 NSBA entries in the money classes and add in the Small Fry & other non-approved classes, made for an amazing run of shows. Sure, it could have been warmer to start, but the competition was HOT. The youth that showed will be in the finals of the Youth World in August. The Amateur and Select classes were some of the deepest seen in some time. SOQHA truly had horses and exhibitors from California to Maine.
SOQHA hopes to see Canadian exhibitors back sooner than later. SOQHA thanks each and every person that showed, watched, attended, and hooted for the great dads in the Walk/Jog Pleasure class! For complete results, circuits & scribe sheets visit anequineproduction.com/soqha-the-madness.