2020 BWHA Classic Recap
2020 was a challenging year for many horse organizations including Buckeye Western Horse Association (BWHA). BWHA placed high importantance on returning to Findlay, Ohio. With many other horse shows being canceled, it did not look good promising. However, members worked hard contacting the county commissioners and the Health Department in order to pull it off. Buckeye Western would like to thank members of the Fulton County Saddle Club for paving the way to be able to have a show.
It was good to be back at the University of Findlay’s Western Farm after being away for seven years. Majority of the membership residing from the Findlay area, it was good to see old friends but most of all make new ones.
BWHA sold out in stall and camping accommodations with 276 stall reservations and 77 camping. They were thrilled to have just under 200 show in our showmanship classes and just under 1,300 overall class entries. Ken Siemer, the show announcer, really set the tone for the show, by giving each stuffed animal, for Lead Line, a name with instructions on how to care for the animal. Even telling the kids they must kiss the animal on the nose before you go to bed at night.
The show finished at 1:30 pm Sunday giving everyone time to go home and relax.
OQHA Points are updated at oqha.com/points
Small Fry Hi Point Champion - Kinsley & Zipposwiseinvestment
Reserve Small Fry Hi Point Champion - Skylar & Annie Lost her Socks
Rookie Youth Hi Point Champion - Emily & Best of My Luv
Reserve Youth Hi Point Champion - Abigail & Silver Candy Kisses
Champion Level 1 Youth - Emma & Reinvest in Doubles
Reserve Level 1 Youth Hi Point Champion - Riata & Theseironsarestrait
Youth 13 & Under Hi Point Champion - Jillian & Cowboy Causing Mayhem
Reserve Youth 13 & Under Hi Point Champion - Zoe & Docs Sugar Cookies
Youth 14-18 Hi Point Champion - Isabella & Nearly Chocolate
Reserve Youth 14-18 Hi Point Champion - Blaise & Good As Always
Rookie Hi Point Champion - Lauren Brown & Rockmelikeyameanit
Reserve Rookie Hi Point Champion - Ashley Winters & Ur Not Invited Back
Amateur Hi-PointChampion - Sarah Lebsock & Version of Goodbar
Reserve Amateur Hi-Point Champion - Catherine Tata & Surely Im Invited
Amateur Select Hi-Point Champion - Terri Bloom Tisch & Only In My Levis
Reserve Amateur Select Hi-Point Champion - Jann Ahlberg & Heza Celebrite