Dolan Robinson

Name: Dolan Robinson

Age: 15


Where do you live and with who:

I live in Caldwell, Ohio with my parents, Donald and Angela, and my younger brothers, Colin and Lane.


Other current activities:

I am currently a member of 4-H, FFA and EOQHYA.   


What would be impossible for you to give up?

Something that would be impossible for me to give up would be horse riding.  I compete on my horse in barrels, pole bending and the stakes.  It is just the team of my horse and me racing against the clock.


Tell us something that no one knows about you.

Something that people don't know about me is that I show market hogs in 4-H.  I also live on a farm and raise beef cattle.


Where can we find you when you aren’t at a horse show?

When I am not at a horse show you can find me hunting, trapping, fishing, riding my 4-wheeler or dirt bike, or just enjoying the outdoors.  You can also find me doing my chores, working on our family farm or working for others doing yard work. 


Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In 5 years I see myself in college.  I am interested in Engineering and in Farrier work.   I still want to be able to go to horse shows and compete.


How did you get involved in horses?

I got my first horse when I was 6 years old.  We would go to shows and watch our friends, The Brown's, compete.  I thought it looked fun and wanted to try it.  I have been competing ever since.


If you could ride any horse, who would it be and why?

If I could ride any horse it would be, Jazzing Ta Fame.  He is known to be a good pole bending horse.


What is a goal that you want to accomplish during your youth career?

I would like to become a champion at the American Quarter Horse Youth Association World Championship Show.  I have shown there the past 2 years in barrels, pole bending and stakes.